Analyze - Sidebar

Analyze contains two distinct sets of reporting. The Core Reports as well as Advanced Reports. We will break those down further below.

Written By Chris Louis ()

Updated at May 11th, 2020


Activity Count

Activity Count is useful to see trends in which Activities/Tasks are logged most frequently, what the logging trends look like, and how many accounts each active user has touched. You can download any of these graphs as .png, .jpg, or .csv files. There are four white boxes that can generate different types of information and those are broken down below:

  • Box 1: “Activity”
    1. Choose the team(s) to include in this report.
    2. Choose the Activities/Tasks to include.
    3. Choose the date range.
    4. In the next drop down, choose to view the report 'By Count' (number of times selected Activities/Tasks are logged) or 'By Points' (total number of points earned by the Activities/Tasks logged).
    5. 'Annual Comparison' checkbox - check this box to see how these Activities/Tasks logs compare for the same period last year.
    6. As selections are made, the table will auto populate below the selections. Each Activity/Task will show as a separate bar on the graph. When hovering the cursor over each bar, the count or number of points (depending on what was chosen in the drop down at the top of the screen), will display what was logged for that particular Activity/Task.
    7. If  'Annual Comparison' was check marked,  a clear indication of activities logged will show for last year (represented in dark gray) and for this year (represented in green).
  • Box 2: “Activity by User”
    1. Choose the team(s) to include in this report.
    2. Choose the rep(s) to include.
    3. Choose the Activities/Tasks to include.
    4. Choose the date range.
    5. In the next drop down, choose to view the report 'By Count' (number of times selected Activities/Tasks are logged) or 'By Points' (total number of points earned by the Activities/Tasks logged).
    6. As selections are made, the table will auto populate below the selections. Each Activity/Task will show as a separate bar on the graph. When hovering the cursor over each bar, the count or number of points (depending on what was chosen in the drop down at the top of the screen), will display what was logged for that particular Activity/Task.
  • Box 3: “Activity Trends”
    1. Choose the team(s) to include in this report.
    2. Choose the Activities/Tasks to include.
    3. Choose the date range - only daily, weekly or monthly is available.
    4. 'Annual Comparison' checkbox - checking this box will populate additional information to see how these Activities/Tasks logs compare for the same period last year.
    5. A table will populate below the drop downs as choices are made. In the line graph, the x-axis shows the number of times the Activity/Task was logged and the y-axis shows the date range (day, week, or month) in which that Activity/Task was logged. Hover over any of the points on the map to see a breakdown of each individual Activity/Task logged during the chosen time frame.
    6. Below the graph, is a legend showing the color associated with each Activity/Task.
  • Box 4: Accounts Touched
    1. Choose the team(s) to include in this report.
    2. Choose the rep(s) to include.
    3. Choose the Activities/Tasks to include.
    4. Choose the date range.
    5. A table will populate below the drop downs as choices are made. Each bar in the graph will show an active user for that time period. Hover over a specific bar to see the total number of accounts that user touched when logging the selected Activities/Tasks for the chosen time frame.

Goals By Action

Goals by Action is useful to see metrics for a particular goal's progress. For sales based goals, Users can view progress for goals set against specific brands and/or SKUs. For accomplishment based goals, Users are able to view progress for goals set against a specific Activity or Task.

  1. Choose the team(s) to include in this report.
  2. Choose the rep(s) to include.
  3. Choose the goal type – either sales based (Sell) or accomplishment based (Accomplish).
    1. Sales Based:
      1. Choose the Brand(s).
      2. Choose the SKU(s).
      3. Indicate if this is for Active or Archived goals.
      4. Click 'Run'.
      5. Tables will populate below the drop downs for each goal that applies to the brands/SKUs selected. The tables are:
        • Goal Name.
        • Goal Description.
        • Goal Duration.
        • The name(s) of each rep the goal is assigned to.
        • The periods for which the goal has been tracking.
        • A progress bar that shows how close the rep is to achieving their goal for each period.
        • The total target value for the goal for each period.
    2. Accomplishment Based:
      1. Choose whether this goal emphasizes a Category, Activity or Task.
      2. Depending on that choice, the drop down to the right will change. Specify in that drop down which Category, Activity or Task sub-item will populate.
      3. Select in the last drop down, if this is for an active or archived goal.
      4. Click “Run”.
      5. Tables will populate below those choices for each goal that applies to the Activities or Tasks selected. The Category choice only allows one Category sub-item to be chosen.
      6. These tables will outline the following information:
        • Header - Goal Name - Goal Description - Goal Duration.
        • Below the Header - the name(s) of each user the goal is assigned to.
        • The periods for which the goal has been tracking.
        • A progress bar that shows how close the rep is to achieving their goal for each period.
        • The total target value for the goal for each period.

Goals By User

Goals by User is useful to see all goals set for an individual user, no matter what type of goal (sales based or accomplishment based), what time period the goals are set to track against, or what Brands/SKUs or Activities/Tasks are being tracked.

  1. Choose the team(s) to include in this report.
  2. Choose the rep(s) to include.
  3. Indicate whether this is for Active or Archived goals.
  4. Click “Run”.
  5. Further filter the report by goal length and choose how to sort the goals that populate.
  6. In the table(s) that populate below will be the following information. Each user has their own box of information and that is outlined as seen below:
    1. All Goals for that rep, a progress bar for each goal along with the Duration, Type of goal, the Date Range and Days Remaining. Interactive buttons for each goal are as follows:
      • A “Goal History” button:
        1. This allows you to view a historical record of whether or not the rep has a history of accomplishing the selected goal.
      • A “Detail” button:
        1. This allows you to view which specific logs have been entered and have counted towards this goal.
      • An “Archive” trash can/button:
        1. This allows you to archive the goal directly from this report page if it is a goal that no longer needs to be tracked.


Leaderboards are used to show which users have earned the most points in correlation to the rest of the team or completed the most of any one Activity or Task. New leaderboards for teams can also be created here. Both active and archived leaderboards can be viewed.

  1. To view existing leaderboards:
    1. In the dropdown towards the top left of the report window, choose the desired team view.
    2. Click on the Active or Archive tab below that.
    3. Click on the title of the leaderboard to view.
    4. The right side of the screen will populate with each rep in that leaderboard and how many total points each has earned.
      • Click the “Details” button to the right of each rep to see all logs that have counted towards that rep’s place on the leaderboard.
  2. To create a new leaderboard:
    1. Click the green “Create New” button below the Active and Archive tabs.
    2. Choose the team(s) to include in the leaderboard.
    3. Give the leaderboard a name.
    4. Add a description on how a rep could win the leaderboard.
    5. Choose the time frame for the new leaderboard.
    6. Indicate how often the leaderboard should recur.
    7. Choose an icon for the leaderboard to be identified by.
    8. Indicate the winning criteria - 
      • If “Total Points” is selected, the rep who earns the most points in Lilypad overall (disregarding specific Activities or Tasks) will win the leaderboard.
      • If “By Activity/Task” is selected, choose the Activities/Tasks for the leaderboard to track against. This leaderboard will then rank reps based on points earned by logging the selected Activities/Tasks.
    9. Click “Done” and the leaderboard will go into effect immediately.


This report will show all commitments that reps have gained in market for the selected time frame and whether or not those commitments have been fulfilled.

  1. Choose the team(s) to include in this report.
  2. Choose the rep(s) to include.
  3. Choose the date range for the report.
  4. Click “Run”.
  5. In the table that populates below the chosen parameters, two tabs appear. The Placements tab is to view values on number of placements entered. The CE's tab is to view by number of CE's those placements are worth. Under both tabs are: the teams included, each selected user on those teams, and the number of fulfilled placements, matched issues, total placements entered, remaining placements, lost placements, and an overall closing percentage for each rep.
  6. Choose a rep and click on his or her “Details” button to the right side of the screen, to see more detailed information on the exact placements that have been entered. Those break down as follows:
    1. Tabs within the Details:
      • Total – All placements, whether they are fulfilled, outstanding, sitting in matched issues, or lost.
      • Fulfilled – All placements that have already matched to an invoice.
      • Matched Issues – All placements that have been entered and have matched to an invoice but do not match perfectly. These matched issues are based on either unit discrepancies (EX; placement entered for 2 units of LP Lager 1/6 BBLs but invoice is reported for 1 unit of LP Lager 1/6 BBL) or SKU discrepancies (EX; placement entered for 1 unit of LP Lager 1/6 BBL but invoice is reported for 1 unit of LP Lager 4/6/12oz cans).
      • Remaining – All placements that have been entered into Lilypad but have not yet matched to an invoice.
      • Lost – All placements that have been entered into Lilypad, have not matched to an invoice, and have timed out of the placements funnel completely.
    2. Columns within the Details:
      • Entered – The date on which the placement was actually created in our system.
      • Matching Date – The earliest date on which credit will be awarded for the placement assuming it matches to an invoice.
      • Distributor – The distributor who is responsible for fulfilling the order assuming it is placed.
      • Account – The name of the account that has committed to ordering product.
      • Address – The account’s physical address.
      • SKU – The SKU that the account has committed to ordering from the distributor.
      • Units – The number of units of the previously mentioned SKU that the account has committed to ordering.
      • CE’s – The total number of CE’s that specific placement is worth.
      • Promised – The date by which the product is expected to land in the account, as indicated by the rep.
      • Approved – The name of the point of contact at the account who made the commitment.
      • Dist. Rep – The name of the distributor rep responsible for servicing this account.
      • Management Override - see below - How To - Manually Match Placements

How To - Manually Match Placements ***

In some instances, managers may want or need to manually match a rep's placements. If that occurs, please run a Placements report through the Analyze reports and follow the steps outlined below.

  • “Match” button – will allow Managers to override the automatic placement system and move the placement immediately to Fulfilled, and in turn awards the rep credit for the placement.
  • “Edit” button – will allow Managers to make adjustments to the placement after a rep has entered it. Edits/updates can be applied to: the SKU the account committed to, the number of units the account committed to, and any notes for that placement. This is also an opportunity to move the placement into the Lost portion of the funnel. Edits can be made to fulfilled placements.
  • Clipboard Icon = “Previous Invoices”  - This will show all invoices the account has received based on the time frame selected in the top left corner of the 'Invoices' window that populates. This is used to confirm if placements have landed. If an invoice was received, this window shows the name of the SKU that was invoiced, the date of the invoice, and the total number of CE’s that invoice was worth.

*** NOTE - Placements reports can be saved out and downloaded by clicking either the blue CSV or green EXCEL buttons in the top right corner of the report window.

Report By Action

This report will show statistics on specific Categories or Activities/Tasks logged over a selected period of time.

  1. Choose the team(s) to include in this report.
  2. Choose the rep(s) to include.
  3. Choose the type of report to generate – either an Activity or Task based report or a report on an overall Category.
  4. Choose the specific Activity, Task or Category sub-item in the next drop down.
  5. Choose the time frame for the report.
  6. Click “Submit”.
  7. After the report runs, the following information is generated in the boxes below:
    • Header -  Name of Activity, Task or Category chosen as well as time frame.
    • Number of Users – Total number of reps that have entered an applicable log in the selected time frame.
    • Action Count – Total number of that action that was logged by all reps in the selected time frame.
    • Total Points – Total number of points earned from logged actions by all reps in the selected time frame.
    • Most Active User – Name of the rep who logged the highest number of applicable entries during the selected time frame.
    • Selected Report Metric – By Date: A bar graph where the x-axis shows the number of items logged and the y-axis shows the date on which the items were logged.
    • Selected Report Metric – By User: A bar graph where the x-axis shows the number of logged items and the y-axis shows the rep(s) who have logged the selected items.
    • Selected Report Metric – AM vs. PM: A pie chart that will show the percentage of logs made in the AM hours versus the PM hours.
    • If the report was ran on a specific Activity/Task, there will be an option that reads “Click here to create custom graph”. This allows a custom graph to be created based on individual fields within the selected Activity/Task. Select which field to use to create the graph and what format the graph should be presented in (bar graph, line graph, or pie chart) and then click the green OK button.
    • Image Gallery – This shows all photos logged in correspondence with the selected Activity, Task, or Category. This selection shows which rep uploaded the image, the date on which the image was uploaded, and what field the image was attached to. The images are downloadable directly from this page by clicking the blue “Download” button below the image. To see additional images, click the forward or back arrows to toggle through the image gallery.
    • Activity Log table – This shows the detail, including all notes and information added, for each individual log made under the selected metric. This report table can be exported by clicking the blue 'Export' button in the top right corner, which will trigger an excel file download.

Report By User

This report will show an overview of all Activities and Tasks completed by the chosen rep for the selected time frame.

  1. Choose the team(s) to include in this report.
  2. Choose the rep(s) to include.
  3. In order to narrow down to logs made under a specific Distributor’s account universe, make a selection under “Select Distributor.” If this is not narrowed down to a specific distributor then Lilypad will default to all logs made within the selected time frame.
  4. Choose the time frame for the report.
  5. Click the “Submit” button.
  6. The following information will be found in the report that populates:
    • Header - Time frame of the populated information.
    • Number of Users – This will show the total number of reps presented in the report.
    • Action Count – The total number of entries logged during the selected time frame.
    • Total Points – The total number of points earned from logs entered during the selected time frame.
    • Most Active User – This shows, out of those selected, which rep entered the most logs in Lilypad.
  7. Activities & Tasks table – This set of graphs will populate in the lower portion of the page. To the right of the table name, are two drop downs. For the first drop down, choose the value the table should be presented in; Count (number of items logged), Points (number of points earned from logging items), or Duration (amount of time spent logging items). Select in the second drop down if the table should display as total Activities & Tasks or should be broken down by logs per Users.
    • If  Activities and Tasks is chosen, the x-axis of the graph will show the number of logs (represented by count, points, or duration based on the selection), and the y-axis will show one bar for activity and one bar for task. Click into these bars to see a breakdown of the individual activities or tasks that were logged. Once clicked, another bar graph will populate where the y-axis shows the individual Activity/Task. Click in on a specific Activity/Task to view a graph where the y-axis shows which reps logged that Activity/Task.
    • If Users view was selected, the x-axis of the graph will show the number (presented by count, points, or duration based on the selection) of logs and the y-axis will show a bar for each rep who logged Activities/Tasks during that selected time. Click in on these bars to see a graph where the y-axis shows the breakdown of individual Activities and Tasks that were logged by that rep. Click on the individual Activity/Task to view more information and the y-axis of the graph will show the activity selected.
  8. Activity Log table - Below these graphs,  an Activity Log will show varying levels of information for the selected logs. If the bars are not clicked into as far as possible, there is a generalized overview that shows the following:
    • Name – the names of the activities/tasks logged.
    • Rep Name – the name of the rep who entered that log.
    • Points – the number of points the log was worth.
    • Entered – the date and time the log was actually entered into the system.
    • Logged for – the date and time the entry was logged for (this is where you’ll be able to see if the log was created for a previous time by using the Log Previous or Edit Start/Finish Time options).
    • Duration (hours) – the amount of time spent logging that Activity or Task.
    • Audit - this is per log and can be turned on and off depending on whether or not it should show in the report.
      • In the top right corner of the Activity Log, is an Export button to export this particular information.
  9. User Stats table – this is the last white box of information and contains:
    • Name – The name of the rep who has logged activity during the selected time frame.
    • Team – The team each rep belongs to.
    • Activity Count – The total number of Activities/Tasks each rep logged during the selected time frame.
    • Points – The total number of points earned from the Activities/Tasks each rep logged during the selected time frame.
    • Last Activity Name – The name of the most recently logged Activity/Task.
    • Last Activity Date/Time – The date and time when the most recently logged activity was entered.
    • Top Activity – The Activity/Task that each rep most frequently logs.
      • In the top right corner of the User Stats, is an Export button to export this particular information.


This report shows the trends of each team's activity on the social wall.

  1. Choose the team(s) to include in this report.
  2. Choose the rep(s) to include.
  3. Choose the time frame for this report.
  4. Click “Search”.
  5. This report generates the  total number of posts, bumps, and comments made on the social wall.
  6. The right side of the report window, shows all posts made to the social wall in the selected time frame.
  7. The left side of the report window, shows the following tables:
    • Social Trends: this shows a line graph where the x-axis shows the number of posts/bumps/comments made and the y-axis shows the time frames in which those posts/bumps/comments were made.
    • Social Activity by User: this shows a bar graph that outlines the likes/posts/comments made by each rep, ordered from highest or lowest as default. This can be changed to show Lowest to Highest instead.
    • Social Posttypes: this table shows a pie chart that outlines which types of posts (text, photo, video, link, or poll) have been posted to the social wall for the selected time frame.
    • Social Stats: this table shows a breakdown of social wall stats by rep It shows the rep's name, the team that rep belongs to, and the total number of posts, comments, and likes each rep has added to the social wall in that time frame.


Advanced Reports gives users another advantageous set of reporting tools that dive deep into specific buckets of information. As a note, all of these reports can be saved out into .pdf, .csv or .xlsx files by clicking on the top right corner of each reporting window.

Rep Efficiency

This report will show how effective your reps are, in terms of converting account visits to product placements.
  1. Choose the time frame for which you’d like to view the report.
  2. Choose the team(s) you’d like included
  3. Choose the user(s) you’d like included
  4. Click the “Submit” button
  5. In the table that populates below, you’ll find the following information:
    • Team – the team each user belongs to
    • Rep Name – the names of each user included in the report
    • Total Visits – the total number of visits logged in Lilypad
    • Unique Visits – the total number of unique accounts touched during that time period
    • Commitments Added – the total number of placements added during those visits for the selected time frame
    • Unique Visit to Commitment – the ratio of placements added in comparison to unique visits (i.e. individual accounts) visited during the selected time frame
    • Commitments Fulfilled – the total number of placements that have matched to an invoice and have been confirmed as landing in the account
    • Commitment to Fulfillment – the ratio of placements that have fulfilled in comparison to the total number of placements entered

User Activity

This report allows you to see a high-level overview of how many activities/tasks were logged in your selected time frame, in addition to trends that outline which which activities are logged more and what days have seen a higher volume of logs entered.

  • Choose the team(s) you’d like included in the report
  • Select the user(s) you’d like to view information for
  • Indicate if you’d like to view the report by a more generalized category or if you’d like to focus on specific activities or tasks
  • Choose either the category or the activities/tasks you’d like included
  • If needed, filter down the report to include information for logs entered within specific cities or postal codes
  • Set the timeframe in which you’d like to pull the report for
  • Click the blue “Submit” button
    1. First box: you’ll see the total number of applicable activities logged with an annual comparison to show whether your team is logging more or less than they did for the same period over the previous year
    2. Second box: you’ll see the total number of activities that tie back to the visits category that were logged with an annual comparison to show whether your team is logging more or fewer visits than the same period for the year prior
    3. Third box: you’ll see the total number of activities that tie back to the events category that were logged with an annual comparison to show whether your team is logging more or fewer events than the same period for the year prior
    4. Fourth box: you’ll see the total number of tasks that were logged with an annual comparison to show whether your team is logging more or fewer tasks than the same period for the year prior
    5. Top Users by Activity – you’ll indicate whether you’d like to see the values presented by count (total number of items logged) or points (total number of points earned by entering logs in Lilypad). This graph will then show an x-axis that outlines each user’s name and a y-axis that outlines benchmarks to see the number of entries made for each user. If you hover over any of the bars on this graph you’ll then see the user’s name and the exact number of entries made.
    6. Activity Over Time – you’ll indicate whether you’d like to see the values presented by count (total number of items logged) or points (total number of points earned by entering logs in Lilypad). This will then show a line graph where the x-axis indicates the count or points for logged activities and the y-axis shows the date on which those entries were made.
    7. Activity Ranking – you’ll indicate whether you’d like ot see the values presented by count (total number of items logged) or points (total number of points earned by entering logs in Lilypad). This will then show a bar graph where the x-axis indicates the count or points for each log entered for the selected activity/task/category. The y-axis will show a breakdown of the selected activities, tasks, or category.
    8. On Premise vs. Off Premise – This will show a breakdown of logs made in either on premise (green) accounts or off premise (yellow) accounts.
    9. Independent vs. Chain – This will show a breakdown of logs made in either independent (blue) or chain (yellow) accounts.
    10. On Premise – Idependent/Chain: This will show a breakdown of logs made in either on premise independent (green) or on premise chain (yellow) accounts.
    11. Off Premise – Independent/Chain: This will show a breakdown of logs made in either off premise independent (blue) or off premise chain (yellow) accounts.
    12. Activity Stats – This table will show the following information:
      • Activity Name: The name of the activity logged
      • Rep Name: The name of the rep who entered this log
      • Account: The account where this entry was made
      • Address: The account’s physical address
      • Premise: Whether the account is classified as on or off premise
      • Indep/Chain: Whether the account is classified as an independent or chain account
      • Logged: The date and time on which this entry was logged for
      • Duration (Hours): The amount of time spent logging this action

Activity Impact        *Requires Sales Data

This report is intended to analyze the kind of impact rep activity has within each individual account visited, and whether or not that activity is helping to grow a brand presence within the accounts visited.

  • Indicate whether you’d like to view the report based on an activity/task or on a more generalized category
  • Choose the activity/task or category you’d like the report to cue off of
  • Choose the timeframe for which you’d like to run your report
  • Filter down by additional parameters by setting the following options:
  • Global Sales Timeframe – timeframe for which you’d like all tables that populate below to be based on
  • Teams – the team(s) you’d like included in your report
  • User(s) – the user(s) you’d like included in your report
  • Distributors – the distributor(s) you’d like included in your report
  • Premise – whether you’d like to view information for only on premise accounts, only off premise accounts, or all accounts
  • State – which state(s) you’d like included in your report
  • City – which city(s) you’d like included in your report
  • Postal Code – which postal code(s) you’d like included in your report

NOTE** If you’d like to save these parameters to pull this report more efficiently in the future you can do so by clicking the Saved Filters button in the top right corner of the Filters area. You’d then click on the “Create New From Current Filters” and add a bookmark name and click “Save.” You’ll then be able to automatically pull this report with these pre-set filters at anytime in the future.

  • In the first window shown you’ll see the total number of accounts touched in the selected time frame. This first window will show the following boxes:
    • Total PODs – Total PODs (by account) reported for that time frame vs. Total PODs reported for the same period the previous year
    • Total CEs – Total CEs sold to the accounts included for the selected time frame vs. Total CEs sold to the accounts included for the same period the previous year
    •  Total Units – Total units sold to the accounts included for the selected time frame vs. Total units sold to the accounts included for the same period the previous year
    • Rate Of Sale – The current rate of sale for product within the selected set of accounts for the chosen time frame vs. the rate of sale for product within the same accounts for the same period the previous year
  • Top Accounts – This window will show the top 5 performing accounts for the selected time frame. This table will include the name of each account, as well as the street address for that account, a basic line graph that shows a rolling 12 month sales trend for the account, and the total number of CEs sold into each account for the selected time frame.
  • Top Brands – This window will show your top 5 performing brand for the accounts included in this report. You’ll see the brand name, the total number of CEs sold for that specific brand in those accounts, and the total number of PODs (by account) for that brand within the current set of accounts.
  • Top SKUs – This window will show you which specific SKUs are highest selling within the accounts included in this report. In this table you’ll see the Product (i.e. SKU) name, the total number of CEs sold into the included accounts for each SKU, and the total number of PODs (by account) for that SKU within the current set of accounts.
  • All Accounts – This table will show you a break down of each account included in the current report. You’ll find the following information:
    • Account – The name of each account
    • Address – The physical address for each account
    • Distributor – The distributor responsible for each account
    • Premise – Whether the account is classified as an on or off premise account
    • Independent/Chain – Whether the account is classified as an independent or chain account
    • Sales (CEs) – Total CEs sold into each account for the selected time frame
    • Sales (Units) – Total number of units sold into each account for the selected time frame
    • Growth – Whether the sales in the account have gone up or down in comparison to the same period last year
    • Last Invoice – The date on which the last invoice was reported within the selected time frame for each account

Distributor Overview        *Requires Sales Data

  • This report is designed to allow you to view your share of a selected distributor’s total account universe, in addition to which accounts, brands, and SKUs are highest performing.

  • Choose the distributor for which you’d like to run the report
  • Select the time frame you’d like the report to present for
  • Choose the brands and SKUs you would like included
  • Filter down to distributor information within specific cities or postal codes
  • Click the blue “Submit” button
    1. NOTE** If you’d like to save these parameters to pull this report more efficiently in the future you can do so by clicking the Saved Filters button in the top right corner of the Filters area. You’d then click on the “Create New From Current Filters” and add a bookmark name and click “Save.” You’ll then be able to automatically pull this report with these pre-set filters at anytime in the future.
  • In the report that populates, you’ll find the following information:
    1. In the first window:
      • Total Accounts - The total number of accounts in the distributor’s territory
      • Total PODs - The total number of accounts where your selected brands/SKUs are currently being distributed
      • Share of Accounts – The ration of accounts you are selling product in versus the total number of accounts the distributor is reporting
      • Total CEs – The total case equivalents sold for the selected brands and SKUs under that distributor’s territory for the selected time frame
    2. Top Accounts:
      • Account – The name of your top 5 buying accounts for the selected time frame along with the address for each account
      • Rolling 12   mo. Trend – A basic line graph showing the sales trend within each of your top 5 accounts for the last 12 months
      • Sales – The total number of case equivalents each account has purchased for the selected time frame
    3. Top Brands
      • Brand – The name of your top 5 selling brands for the time frame selected
      • CEs – The total number of case equivalents for each brand sold in the selected time frame
      • PODs – The total number of accounts where each brand was sold for the time frame selected
    4. Top SKUs
      • SKU – The name of your top 5 selling SKUs for the time frame selected
      • CEs – The total number of case equivalents for each SKU sold in the selected time frame
      • PODs – The total number of accounts where each brand was sold for the time frame selected
    5. 12 Month Rolling Volume
      • The x-axis in this report will show the volume sold, presented in CEs
      • The y-axis in this report will show each of the last 12 months
      • You can hover over any point within this graph to see the total number of CEs sold in any given month
    6. 12 Month Trend by POD
      • In the top right corner of the window you’ll choose whether you’d like the PODs in the graph presented by account or by SKU
      • The x-axis will show the number of PODs, presented by either Account or SKU based on your selection
      • The y-axis will show each of the last 12 m onths
      • You can hover over any point within this graph to see the total number of PODs reported for any given month
    7. On Premise vs Off Premise
      • This graph will indicate the ratio of your brand distribution within On Premise (green) accounts vs. Off Premise (yellow) accounts
    8. Independent vs Chain
      • This graph will indicate the ratio of your brand distribution within Independent (blue) vs. Chain (yellow) accounts
    9. On Premise Independent vs Chain
      • This graph will indicate the ratio of your brand distribution within on premise independent (green) accounts vs. on premise chain (yellow) accounts
    10. Off Premise Independent vs Chain
      • This graph will indicate the ratio of your brand distribution within off premise independent (blue) accounts vs. off premise chain (yellow) accounts
    11. All Accounts
      • Account – The name of each account listed as a POD
      • Address – The physical address of each account
      • # of Brands – The total number of brands each individual account purchased in the selected time frame
      • Premise – Whether the account is categorized as an on or off premise account
      • Indep/Chain – Whether the account is categorized as an independent or chain account
      • Sales (CEs) – The total number of case equivalents sold to each account within the selected time frame
      • Sales (Units) – The total number of units sold to each account within the selected time frame
      • Growth – The percentage that sales within the account have increased or declined by for the selected time frame compared to the same period during the prior year
      • Last Invoice – The date on which the last invoice was reported for each account within the selected time frame

Brand Overview        *Requires Sales Data

  • This report is designed to allow you to view how a specific brand is performing within selected markets.

    • Choose the brand for which you’d like to run the report
    • Select the time frame you’d like the report to present for
    • Choose the distributor(s) you would like included
    • Choose the SKU(s) you would like included
    • Filter down to brand information within specific cities or postal codes
    • Click the blue “Submit” button
      1. NOTE** If you’d like to save these parameters to pull this report more efficiently in the future you can do so by clicking the Saved Filters button in the top right corner of the Filters area. You’d then click on the “Create New From Current Filters” and add a bookmark name and click “Save.” You’ll then be able to automatically pull this report with these pre-set filters at anytime in the future.
    • In the report that generates below, you’ll find the following information:
      1. In the first window:
        • Sales Trend – This will show you the total CEs sold for your selected brand for each day on which sales were reported. You can hover over any point on this graph to see the exact number of CEs sold on any given day.
        • Total CEs – This shows the total number of CEs sold for that brand during the selected time frame, along with a percentage of either growth or decline in sales in comparison to the same time frame for the prior year
        • PODs – This shows the total number of PODs (by account) in which the selected brand was distributed during the selected time frame, along with a percentage of either growth or decline in PODs in comparison to the same time frame for the prior year
        • Distributors – This shows the total number of distributors who sold the selected products during the chosen time frame, along with the total number of distributors being reported in your sales data
        • Rate of Sale – This shows the rate of sale for the selected brand during the chosen time frame, along with a percentage that shows whether the rate of sale is higher or lower than it was during the same period of the previous year
      2. Top Accounts:
        • Account – The name of your top 5 buying accounts for the selected time frame along with the address for each account
        • Rolling 12   mo. Trend – A basic line graph showing the sales trend within each of your top 5 accounts for the last 12 months
        • Sales – The total number of case equivalents each account has purchased for the selected brand during the chosen time frame
      3. Top Distributors:
        • Distributor – The name of the top 5 highest selling distributors for the selected brand
        • CEs – The total number of case equivalents for the selected brand sold during the chosen time frame
        • PODs – The total number of points of distribution (by account) under each distributor’s territory for the selected time frame
      4. Top SKUs:
        • SKU – The name of each of your top 5 selling SKUs
        • CEs – The total number of case equivalents sold for each SKU during the chosen time frame
        • PODs – The total number of points of distribution (by account) for each SKU
      5. 12 Month Rolling Volume
        • The x-axis in this report will show the volume sold, presented in CEs
        • The y-axis in this report will show each of the last 12 months
        • You can hover over any point within this graph to see the total number of CEs for this brand sold in any given month
      6. 12 Month Trend by POD
        • In the top right corner of the window you’ll choose whether you’d like the PODs in the graph to be presented by account or by SKU
        • The x-axis will show the number of PODs, presented by either Account or SKU based on your selection
        • The y-axis will show each of the last 12 months
        • You can hover over any point within this graph to see the total number of PODs reported for the chosen brand in any given month
      7. On Premise vs Off Premise
        • This graph will indicate the ratio of your chosen brand’s distribution within On Premise (green) accounts vs. Off Premise (yellow) accounts
      8. Independent vs Chain
        • This graph will indicate the ratio of your chosen brand’s distribution within Independent (blue) vs. Chain (yellow) accounts
      9. On Premise Independent vs Chain
        • This graph will indicate the ratio of your chosen brand’s distribution within on premise independent (green) accounts vs. on premise chain (yellow) accounts
      10. Off Premise Independent vs Chain
        • This graph will indicate the ratio of your chosen brand’s distribution within off premise independent (blue) accounts vs. off premise chain (yellow) accounts
      11. All Accounts
        • Account – The name of each account where this brand was sold during the selected time frame
        • Address – The physical address of each account
        • # of SKUs – The total number of SKUs each individual account purchased in the selected time frame
        • Premise – Whether the account is categorized as an on or off premise account
        • Indep/Chain – Whether the account is categorized as an independent or chain account
        • Sales (CEs) – The total number of case equivalents sold to each account for the selected brand within the chosen time frame
        • Sales (Units) – The total number of units sold to each account for the selected brand within the chosen time frame
        • Growth – The percentage that sales within the account have increased or declined by for the selected time frame compared to the same period during the prior year
        • Last Invoice – The date on which the last invoice for the selected brand was reported for each account within the chosen time frame

Distributor Ranking        *Requires Sales Data

This report is designed to allow you to compare distribution amongst multiple distributor markets.

  • Select the time frame for which you’d like to pull the report
  • Choose the distributors you would like included
  • If you’d like, you can filter the report down to include only specific brands and SKUs
  • You can also filter by on or off premise and independent or chain accounts
  • Click the blue “Submit” button
    1. NOTE** If you’d like to save these parameters to pull this report more efficiently in the future you can do so by clicking the Saved Filters button in the top right corner of the Filters area. You’d then click on the “Create New From Current Filters” and add a bookmark name and click “Save.” You’ll then be able to automatically pull this report with these pre-set filters at anytime in the future.
  • In the report that populates, you’ll find the following information:
    1. Top 10 Distributors by CEs: the x-axis of this graph will show your top 10 performing distributors, while the y-axis shows benchmark CE numbers. If you hover over any bar on the graph you’ll be able to view the total number of CEs and PODs reported by that distributor for the selected time frame.
    2. Activities Completed: shows the total number of activities logged under your distributor’s territories during the chosen time frame. This will also show you the total number of activities completed under your distributor’s territories during the same period of the previous year.
    3. Top Distributor – Activities Completed: this will show the distributor under which the most activities were logged during the selected time frame.
    4. Accounts – On Premise vs Off Premise: this will show the total number of accounts split by on premise (green) vs. off premise (yellow) classification.
    5. Sales – On Premise vs Off Premise: this will show the total distribution split between on premise (green) and off premise (yellow) accounts.
    6. Distributor Ranking: This table will show the following information:
      • Distributor – name of each distributor
      • # of Brands – total number of brands each distributor sold during the selected time frame
      • Column showing selected time frame for previous year: Sales (CEs) – total number of CEs sold during the period of time shown, Sales (Units) – total number of units sold during the period of time shown, PODs – total points of distribution reported during the period of time shown.
      • Column showing selected time frame for current year: Sales (CEs) – total number of CEs sold during the period of time shown, Sales (Units) – total number of units sold during the period of time shown, PODs – total points of distribution reported during the period of time shown.
      • Growth: shows the percentage by which a distributor’s sales have either increased or declined by based on the time period selected in comparison with the previous year.
      • Top SKU: Shows the top selling SKU within each distributor’s territory during the selected time frame.

Account Ranking        *Requires Sales Data

This report is designed to allow you to compare sales within individual accounts, in addition to viewing overall sales data for each individual account.
  • Select the timeframe for which you’d like to pull the report
  • Choose the distributors you’d like included
  • If you’d like, you can filter the report down by individual brands and SKUs sold
  • You can also filter by accounts within specific cities and/or postal codes
  • Additionally, you can filter by on or off premise and independent or chain accounts
  • Click the blue “Submit” button
    1. NOTE** If you’d like to save these parameters to pull this report more efficiently in the future you can do so by clicking the Saved Filters button in the top right corner of the Filters area. You’d then click on the “Create New From Current Filters” and add a bookmark name and click “Save.” You’ll then be able to automatically pull this report with these pre-set filters at anytime in the future.
  • In the report that populates below, you can find the following information:
    1. Top 10 Accoutns by CEs: this graph will show an x-axis with individual account names, while the y-axis shows CE benchmarks. If you hover over any bar within this graph you will then be able to see the total number of CEs sold for the selected time frame within each of the top 10 buying accounts.
    2. Total CEs: this shows the total number of CEs sold into all accounts included in the report during the chosen time frame, along with the total number of CEs sold in within those same accounts during the same time period the previous year.
    3. Top Brand – By CEs: This will show the top selling brand within the selected accounts for the chosen time frame
    4. PODs – On Premise vs Off Premise: this will show the split of points of distribution reported during the selected timeframe based on off premise (green) vs. on premise (yellow) accounts
    5. CEs – On Premise vs Off Premise: this will show the split of CEs sold in buying accounts during the selected timeframe based on off premise (green) vs. on premise (yellow) accounts
    6. Account Ranking - this table will show the following information:
      • Account: the name of each buying account reported during the chosen time frame
      • # of Brands: the total number of brands each account purchased within the selected time frame
      • Column showing selected time frame for previous year: Sales (CEs) – total number of CEs sold into each account during the period of time shown, Sales (Units) – total number of units sold into each account during the period of time shown.
      • Column showing selected time frame for current year: Sales (CEs) – total number of CEs sold into each account during the period of time shown, Sales (Units) – total number of units sold into each account during the period of time shown.
      • Growth: shows the percentage by which a distributor’s sales have either increased or declined by based on the time period selected in comparison with the previous year.
      • Top SKU: Shows the top selling SKU within each distributor’s territory during the selected time frame.

New PODs        *Requires Sales Data

This report is designed to show you the total number of new points of distribution gained within a selected time frame.

  • Choose the time frame in which you’d like to see accounts who have made a purchase but who had also not purchased in a specified number of days prior (i.e. an account that made a purchase between June 1st and June 15th but who had not purchased for the time period 90 days prior)
  • Choose the distributors whose territory you would like included in the report
  • Choose the cities and postal codes in which you would like to view new PODs in
  • Click the blue “Submit” button
    1. NOTE** If you’d like to save these parameters to pull this report more efficiently in the future you can do so by clicking the Saved Filters button in the top right corner of the Filters area. You’d then click on the “Create New From Current Filters” and add a bookmark name and click “Save.” You’ll then be able to automatically pull this report with these pre-set filters at anytime in the future.
  • New in This Time Frame: total number of new PODs reported for the filters selected. This will also show you a comparison of PODs gained in the same period during the prior year.
  • Average SKUs per Account: this will show the average number of SKUs sold in to these new PODs during the selected time frame in comparison to the same period during the year prior.
  • Total PODs: this will show the total number of PODs reported in the chosen time frame, both new and existing in comparison to the same period during the prior year.
  • New PODs: On Premise vs Off Premise – shows the breakdown of new PODs gained during the selected time period based on on premise (green) vs. off premise (yellow) account classification.
  • New PODs: Independent vs Chain – shows the breakdown of new PODs gained during the selected time period based on independent (blue) vs. chain (yellow) account classification.
  • New PODs: On Premise – Independent/Chain: shows the breakdown of new on premise PODs based on independent (green) vs. chain (yellow) account classification.
  • New PODs: Off Premise – Independent/Chain: shows the breakdown of new off premise PODs based on independent (blue) vs. chain (yellow) account classification.
  • New PODs by Distributor: the x-axis in this table shows the top 10 performing distributors based on new PODs gained during the selected time frame, while the y-axis in this table shows benchmark POD numbers. If you hover over any graph in this table you’ll then see a total number of new PODs gained for the selected distributor.
  • New PODs by Location: this is an interactive heat map that shows where the majority of your new PODs are located. You can click into any point on this heat map to focus in on new PODs gained in specific areas.
  • New POD List: this table will present the following information for each new POD gained during your chosen time frame –
    1. Account: the name of each new POD
    2. Address: the physical address of each account
    3. Distributor: the distributor responsible for handling the account
    4. Premise: whether the account is classified as on or off premise
    5. Indep/Chain: whether the account is classified as an independent or chain account
    6. SKU: the SKU that was sold in to classify the account as a new POD
    7. Sales (CEs): the total number of CEs sold into the new point of distribution
    8. Logged: the date on which the new sale was logged

Lost PODs        *Requires Sales Data

This report is designed to show you the total number of points of distribution lost within a selected time frame.

  • Choose the time frame in which you’d like to see accounts who have not made a purchase but who had purchased in a specified number of days prior (i.e. an account that did not make a purchase between June 1st and June 15th but who had purchased product at some point within the 30 days prior to that)
  • Choose the distributors whose territory you would like included in the report
  • Choose the cities and postal codes in which you would like to view new PODs in
  • Click the blue “Submit” button
    1. NOTE** If you’d like to save these parameters to pull this report more efficiently in the future you can do so by clicking the Saved Filters button in the top right corner of the Filters area. You’d then click on the “Create New From Current Filters” and add a bookmark name and click “Save.” You’ll then be able to automatically pull this report with these pre-set filters at anytime in the future.
  • Lost in This Time Frame: total number of lost PODs reported for the filters selected. This will also show you a comparison of PODs lost in the same period during the prior year.
  • Average SKUs per Account: this will show the average number of SKUs sold in to these new PODs during the selected buying time frame in comparison to the same period during the year prior.
  • Total PODs: this will show the total number of PODs reported in the chosen time frame in comparison to the same period during the prior year.
  • Lost PODs: On Premise vs Off Premise – shows the breakdown of PODs lost during the selected time period based on either the on premise (green) vs. off premise (yellow) account classification.
  • Lost PODs: Independent vs Chain – shows the breakdown of PODs lost during the selected time period based on independent (blue) vs. chain (yellow) account classification.
  • Lost PODs: On Premise – Independent/Chain: shows the breakdown of on premise PODs lost based on independent (green) vs. chain (yellow) account classification.
  • Lost PODs: Off Premise – Independent/Chain: shows the breakdown of lost off premise PODs based on independent (blue) vs. chain (yellow) account classification.
  • Lost PODs by Distributor: the x-axis in this table shows the 10 distributors who reported the highest number of lost PODs during the selected time frame, while the y-axis in this table shows benchmark POD numbers. If you hover over any graph in this table you’ll then see a total number of lost PODs reported for the selected distributor.
  • Lost PODs by Location: this is an interactive heat map that shows where the majority of your lost PODs are located. You can click into any point on this heat map to focus in on lost PODs reported in specific areas.
  • Lost POD List: this table will present the following information for each POD lost during your chosen time frame –
    1. Account: the name of each lost POD
    2. Address: the physical address of each account
    3. Distributor: the distributor responsible for handling the account
    4. Premise: whether the account is classified as on or off premise
    5. Indep/Chain: whether the account is classified as an independent or chain account
    6. Last SKU Purchased: the last SKU that was sold in to the account before it was considered a lost POD
    7. Last Sales Logged: the date on which the most recent invoice was reported

Target List        *Requires Sales Data

This report is designed to show you a breakdown of the top performing accounts within the selected target lists.

  • Choose the team(s), user(s), and target list(s) you’d like included in this report
  • Choose the time frame for which you’d like to pull the report
  • Choose the brands and SKUs you’d like included in your report
  • If you choose, you can filter down the report to include only accounts within the chosen target lists that are within certain cities and/or postal codes
  • Click the blue “Submit” button
    1. NOTE** If you’d like to save these parameters to pull this report more efficiently in the future you can do so by clicking the Saved Filters button in the top right corner of the Filters area. You’d then click on the “Create New From Current Filters” and add a bookmark name and click “Save.” You’ll then be able to automatically pull this report with these pre-set filters at anytime in the future.
  • Total Accounts: this will show the total number of accounts on the selected target list, along with the total number of accounts on the target list that purchased product within the selected time frame.
  • Total CEs: this will show the total number of case equivalents sold into the listed target list accounts during the chosen time frame in comparison to the same period during the previous year.
  • Activities Completed: this will show the total number of activities logged within the accounts on the chosen target list during the selected time frame in comparison with the same period during the previous year.
  • Top Accounts: this will show the top 5 highest volume buying accounts during the chosen time frame. In this graph you’ll find the following information:
    1. Account – the name of each of the top 5 buying accounts
    2. Rolling 12 mo. Trend – a basic line graph that shows you the general sales trend for each account over the previous 12 months
    3. Sales – the total number of CEs sold into each account during the chosen time frame
  • Top Brands: this will show you the top 5 highest selling brands in the accounts on your selected target list(s) during the chosen time frame. The graph will breakdown as follows:
    1. Brand – The name of each of the top 5 selling brands during the chosen time frame
    2. CEs – the total number of CEs reported for each brand during the chosen time frame
    3. PODs – the total number of PODs reported on the selected target list(s) for each brand during the chosen time frame
  • Top SKUs: this will show you the top 5 highest selling SKUs in the accounts on your selected target list(s) during the chosen time frame. The graph will breakdown as follows:
    1. SKU – the name of each of the top 5 selling SKUs during the chosen time frame
    2. CEs – the total number of CEs reported for each SKU during the chosen time frame
    3. PODs – the total number of PODs reported based on the selected target list(s) for each SKU during the chosen time frame
  • 12 Month Rolling Activities: the x-axis in this graph shows bench mark activity numbers while the y-axis shows each month in which activity was logged. If you hover over any of the bars on this graph you’ll then be able to see the exact number of activities logged during that month.
  • 12 Month Rolling CE Volume: the x-axis in this graph shows bench mark CE numbers while the y-axis shows each month in which product was sold within the chosen accounts. If you hover over any of the bars on this graph you’ll then be able to see the exact number of CEs sold during that month.
  • Activities Completed: this graph will show the individual activities/tasks logged within the target list accounts during the chosen time frame, as well as the total number of logs for each activity/task that were entered. If you click on one of these activities/tasks, in the window directly to the right you’ll then see the name of each account in which that activity was logged, the user who logged the activity, and the date on which each entry was completed.
  • All Accounts: this table will show you the following information:
    1. Account: the name of each buying account within the chosen target list(s)
    2. Address: the physical address for each buying account
    3. # of Activities: the total number of activities logged under each account during the chosen time frame
    4. Premise: whether the account is classified as on or off premise
    5. Indep/Chain: whether the account is classified as an independent or chain account
    6. Sales (CEs): the total number of case equivalents sold into each account during the chosen time frame
    7. Sales (Units): the total number of units sold into each account during the chosen time frame
    8. Growth: the percentage by which sales within the account has either increased or decreased in comparison to the same period during the previous year
    9. Last Invoice: the date on which the last invoice for that account was reported during the selected time frame
    10. Last Activity: the date on which the last activity for that account was reported during the selected time frame

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